Alternate Row Shading Using Conditional Formatting

[Originally posted by]:

One way to make your data legible is to apply cell shading to every other row in a range. Excel’s Conditional Formatting feature (available in Excel or later) makes this a simple task.

  1. Select the range that you want to format
  2. Choose Format, Conditional Formatting
  3. In the Conditional Formatting dialog box, select Formula Is from the drop-down list, and enter this formula:
  4. Click the Format button, select the Patterns tab, and specify a color for the shaded rows.
  5. Click OK twice to return to your worksheet.

The best part is that the row shading is dynamic. You’ll find that the row shading persists even if you insert or delete rows within the original range.

How To Set and Use Variables in SSIS Execute SQL Task

[Originally posted By]:

I couldn’t find any step-by-step resources on this so I thought I’d blog it.  This is done in SQL Server 2008 R2. In this scenario I will use a SQL Statement to populate an SSIS variable, and then use that variable in another SQL Statement.

Create your variables

If the variables window isn’t visible already, from the menu select View –> Other Windows –> Variables.


This will bring up your variables window on the left hand side of your screen.  You should be able to tab between it and the Toolbox.  You may have to pin it to your screen first.


I have already created some variables in the screenshot above.  To create a variable, first decide on the scope of the variable, whether it is the entire package, a container or a specific task.  I normally scope all of my variables to the package, since you can’t see the variables in the window unless you have selected the scoped object.  I find it easier to manage variables having them all in one place.  I have not had any compelling reason not to do it this way, although I’m sure there are cases where you may want them scoped differently.

Before creating the variable you must select the item for it’s scope. In this case select the canvas of the Control Flow which will permit you to scope the variable to the entire package.  Then create the variable by clicking on the Add Variable button at the top of the Variables window.


Give your variable a Name, a Data Type and a Value.  In this case we are working with EndDate, and although you would want to set it as Date, there are some compatibility issues when using the Date data type for a variable and then pulling into a SQL parameter.  I have found it is best to set the date as a string and then manipulate it from there.  Set your EndDate attributes as shown, with the Scope being the name of your package.


Populate an SSIS variable using a SQL statement

From the Toolbox, drag an Execute SQL Task onto your Control Flow.  Double click on it and set the following properties:

On the General tab:

  1. Set the ResultSet to Single row
  2. Select your Connection to the database where you will run your SQL Statement
  3. Enter your SQL Statement


On the Result Set tab:

  1. In the Result Name key in the name of the field being return in your SQL Statement.  In this case I named the field EndDate
  2. In the Variable Name select the user variable you created.


Use the Variable in a SQL Statement

From the Toolbox, drag an Execute SQL Task onto your Control Flow. Double click on it and set the following properties:

On the General tab:

  1. Select your Connection to the database where you will run your SQL Statement
  2. Enter your SQL Statement, placing a ? where each variable is to be used.


In this case I need to add two Parameters to the Parameter Mapping tab, since I have used two question marks in my SQL Statement.  Even if you are using the same Variable multiple times, you still need to enter them separately on the Parameter Mapping tab, once for each time they appear in the SQL Statement.  This is the only way to identify which parameter is being used for which question mark.  Parameters are made much easier in 2012.

Here’s the tricky bit which isn’t at all self explanatory.

On the Parameter Mapping tab:

  1. Select the user variable in the Variable Name drop down which corresponded to the first variable (?) being used in your SQL Statement.
  2. Set the Data Type to NVARCHAR, since we are using a string variable. (This is the spot where the data type compatibility didn’t mesh, which is why we opted for string).
  3. Set the ParameterName to 0.  This indicates the order in which the parameter is appearing in the SQL statement.  You can enter them in the pane in any order you want, but the ParameterName must contain numbers starting from 0 to however many parameters you have minus one.  So if you have two parameters you must have one ParameterName = 0 and one ParameterName = 1.  You can reverse the order, but they must both exist or the task will fail.


Including the Date in a Filename in SSIS using an Expression

[Originally posted by]:

When creating a file in SSIS it can be useful to incorporate a date and/or a time stamp into the name of the file, for instance :


Fortunately it’s fairly easy to achieve this using expressions. Expressions are a way of calculating a value based on various criteria. In this case I’ll use an expression to generate the file name for a file connection, based on the current date with the format YYYYMMDD.

To illustrate this I’ve created a very simple SSIS package that runs a SQL query (in my case this calculates the size of each database) and exports the results to a file. The package has a single Data Flow Task as follows :

Including the Date in a Filename in SSIS using an Expression image 1

Switching to the Data Flow tab you can see from the screenshot below that the task has an OLE DB Source which uses a SQL Server connection, and a Flat File Destination which uses a File Connection :

Including the Date in a Filename in SSIS using an Expression image 2

If I click on the Flat File Connection Manager (circled below) then the Properties window at the bottom right of the screen will show properties information for the connection :

Including the Date in a Filename in SSIS using an Expression image 3

The initial setting for the ConnectionString property can be seen in the screenshot above in the “Properties” window, but this can be customised using the Expressions property a bit lower down (circled above). Click on the 3 dots to the right and the “Property Expressions Editor” window will be displayed. Click on the Property column and a dropdown will display all the properties that can be customised using an expression. Select ConnectionString and then enter the expression directly into the Expression column on the right :

Property Expression Editor
The expression that I’ve used here is :

“C:\\DatabaseSizes_” + (DT_WSTR,4)DATEPART(“yyyy”,GetDate()) +
RIGHT(“0” + (DT_WSTR,2)DATEPART(“mm”,GetDate()) ,2) +
RIGHT(“0” + (DT_WSTR,2)DATEPART(“dd”,GetDate()),2) + “.csv”

This will generate a file name like : C:\DatabaseSizes_20120928.csv.

If you need to include the time in the filename as well then here is an alternative expression which adds the time in the format “hhmm” :

“C:\\DatabaseSizes_” + (DT_WSTR,4)DATEPART(“yyyy”,GetDate()) +
RIGHT(“0” + (DT_WSTR,2)DATEPART(“mm”,GetDate()) ,2) +
RIGHT(“0” + (DT_WSTR,2)DATEPART(“dd”,GetDate()),2) + “_” +
RIGHT(“0” + (DT_WSTR,2)DATEPART(“hh”,GetDate()),2)+
RIGHT(“0” + (DT_WSTR,2)DATEPART(“mi”,GetDate()),2) + “.csv”

This will generate a file name like : C:\DatabaseSizes_20120928_0913.csv.

Visual Studio also includes an Expression Builder which makes it easier to create and validate expressions. Click on the 3 dots to the right of the expression to display the “Expression Builder” window :
Expression Builder
You can enter the expression into the window or build it up using the various functions and variables. If you click the “Evaluate Expression” button it checks for any errors and determines the value of the expression – a very useful feature.

Assiging stored procedure results to SSIS variable

[Originally posted by]:

I am trying to get the value from a stored procedure into an SSIS variable, and then testing to see if two SSIS tasks can work if I added an expression. So for an example, I am trying to use this stored procedure:

enter image description here

Maybe I am even setting up the SSIS variable properties entirely wrong, because I am also not sure if I am doing this the right way for the stored proc value to be imported into an SSIS variable. Please do tell me if you need any more screencaps of anything else.

Here is the task example:

enter image description here

And here is Precedence Constraint Editor screencap:

enter image description here

And here is the properties for the first task:

enter image description here

I want it to go forward (or fail) based on that condition. But when I test it, the process flows from first task to second regardless, and only shows me “100% complete” for the first task and nothing about whether it checked this expression to be true or not. How can I do such a thing and what is going wrong? I do have a variable in SSIS called ‘orderCount’ to get the value from stored proc.

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You have two choices to make this work. Either you can use a Single Result Set or you can use the OUTPUT parameter. You’re currently using neither correctly.

OUTPUT parameter

Your stored procedure is defined as having a parameter of @OrderCount with a direction of OUTPUT

If you wanted to use the stored procedure within a tool, SSMS, .NET, whatever, it’d look something like

DECLARE @orderCount int = 0;
EXECUTE dbo.TestStoredProcSSVariable @orderCount OUTPUT;
SELECT @orderCount As OrderCountVariable;

It is valid to run the above without specifying OUTPUT but look at the value of @orderCount. It changes from 1435 to 0.

The same holds true when you’re using the Execute SQL Task within SSIS. You must specify that the parameter is on OUTPUT and also specify it in the Parameter mappings tab.

Specify OUTPUT clause and parameter place holder

Also specify the variable you want to map and use the OUTPUT direction there. Here I’ve mapped the result into an SSIS Variable of type Int32 called orderCount

enter image description here

Single Result Set

You have the first part of this correct – you’ve specified that the result set is Single Row.

You’ll note that I am using EXECUTE dbo.TestStoredProcSSVariable ? as you must specify an input value or the proc call will break (at least as you’ve defined it). You could have hard coded a value in lieu of the ? like 0

enter image description here

Then, on the Result Set tab, here I’m mapping up the first column (zeroth ordinal) to a Variable called orderCountb

enter image description here

If you run the provided stored procedure, you will not get a value in orderCountb. Why? Because you aren’t returning anything from the stored procedure call. I added a final statement inside the stored procedure of

SELECT @OrderCount AS OrderCount;

Do it yourself

You can explore either approach using the following biml. What is biml? The Business Intelligence Markup Language is the operating system for BI. Why you care about it is that it will allow you to transform some XML into an SSIS package. All you need to do is download and installed the free addon BIDS Helper

After installing BIDS Helper,

  1. Right click on the project and select Add new Biml file
  2. replace the contents of the file with the following XML
  3. Fix the values in line 5. Update the Data Source to a real server and Provider to align with your SSIS version. Looking at your screenshot, this will likely be SQLNCLI10.1
  4. Right click on BimlScript.biml and choose Generate SSIS Packages


<Biml xmlns="">
            ConnectionString="Data Source=.\dev2014;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
                    Name="SQL Make procedure">
                        <![CDATA[IF EXISTS
        sys.procedures AS P 
        INNER JOIN 
            sys.schemas AS S
            ON S.schema_id = P.schema_id
    WHERE = 'dbo'
        AND = 'TestStoredProcSSVariable'
    DROP PROCEDURE dbo.TestStoredProcSSVariable
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.TestStoredProcSSVariable
    @OrderCount int OUTPUT

    SET @OrderCount = 1135;
    SELECT @OrderCount AS OrderCount;



                <Container Name="SEQC Result set" ConstraintMode="Linear">
                            <Input OutputPathName="SQL Make procedure.Output"></Input>
                              Name="SQL SingleRow">
                            <DirectInput>EXECUTE dbo.TestStoredProcSSVariable ?;</DirectInput>
                                <Result VariableName="User.orderCountb" Name="0" />
                                <Parameter DataType="Int32" VariableName="User.orderCountb" Name="0" />
                        <ExecuteSQL ConnectionName="tempdb" Name="SQL Placeholder">
                            <DirectInput>SELECT 1;</DirectInput>
                        <ExecuteSQL ConnectionName="tempdb" Name="Execute SQL Task 2">
                            <DirectInput>SELECT 1;</DirectInput>
                                        OutputPathName="SQL Placeholder.Output" 
                                        Expression="@[orderCount] &lt; 5" />
                <Container Name="SEQC Output Parameter" ConstraintMode="Linear">
                            <Input OutputPathName="SQL Make procedure.Output"></Input>
                              Name="SQL Output parameter">
                            <DirectInput>EXECUTE dbo.TestStoredProcSSVariable ? OUTPUT;</DirectInput>
                                    Direction="Output" />
                        <ExecuteSQL ConnectionName="tempdb" Name="SQL Placeholder">
                            <DirectInput>SELECT 1;</DirectInput>
                        <ExecuteSQL ConnectionName="tempdb" Name="Execute SQL Task 2">
                            <DirectInput>SELECT 1;</DirectInput>
                                        OutputPathName="SQL Placeholder.Output" 
                                        Expression="@[orderCount] &lt; 5" />

                <ExecuteSQL ConnectionName="tempdb" Name="SQL Placeholder">
                    <DirectInput>SELECT 1;</DirectInput>
                            <Input OutputPathName="SEQC Result set.Output" />
                            <Input OutputPathName="SEQC Output Parameter.Output" />
                <Variable DataType="Int32" Name="orderCount">-1</Variable>
                <Variable DataType="Int32" Name="orderCountb">-1</Variable>

Enjoy the following SSIS package

enter image description here

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SSIS Basics: Using the Execute SQL Task to Generate Result Sets

[Originally posted by]:

SSIS Basics: Using the Execute SQL Task to Generate Result Sets

23 October 2012

The Execute SQL Task of SSIS is extraordinarily useful, but it can cause a lot of difficulty for developers learning SSIS, or only using it occasionally. What it needed, we felt, was a clear step-by-step guide that showed the basics of how to use it effectively. Annette has once again cleared the fog of confusion.

The Execute SQL task is one of the handier components in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) because it lets you run Transact-SQL statements from within your control flow. The task is especially useful for returning result sets that can then be used by other components in your SSIS package.

When using the Execute SQL task to return a result set, you must also implement the necessary variables and parameters to pass data into and out of the T-SQL statement called by the task. In this article, we look at how to use those variables and parameters in conjunction with the Execute SQL task in order to transfer that data. (In the previous article in this series, “Introducing Variables,” I explained how to work with variables, so refer back to that article if you need help.)

This article walks you through two different scenarios for working with variables, parameters, and result sets. In the first scenario, we’ll use two Execute SQL tasks. The first task retrieves a single value from a table in theAdventureWorks2008 database. That value is returned by the task as a single-row result set. The second Execute SQL task will pass that value into a stored procedure that inserts the row into a different table.

The second scenario uses a single Execute SQL task to retrieve a multi-row result set, also known as a full result set. This represents the third Execute SQL task we’ll be adding to our control flow. For now, all we’ll do is use this task to save the result set to variable. In articles to follow, you’ll see how you can use that variable in other SSIS components, such as the Foreach Loop container.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before adding components to your SSIS package, you should first add a table and two stored procedures to theAdventureWorks2008 database. The table will store the value that’s returned by the first Execute SQL task. Listing 1 shows the T-SQL necessary to create the SSISLog table.

Result INT)

Listing 1: Creating the SSISLog table

Next, we will add a stored procedure to insert data into the SSISLog table. Listing 2 provides the T-SQL script necessary to create the UpdateSSISLog stored procedure. Notice that it includes an input parameter. The input will be the data that will be retrieved via the first Execute SQL task.

(DateRun, Result)

Listing 2: Creating a stored procedure that inserts data into the SSISLog table

Once you’ve set up the table and stored procedures, you can create your SSIS package, if you haven’t already done so. We’ll perform both exercises in a single package. Our next step, then, is to add a couple variables to our package.

Adding Two Variables to the SSIS Package

The first variable we’ll create is the EmpNum variable. If the Variables window is not open, right-click the Control Flow workspace, and then click V ariables. In the Variables window, add a new variable by clicking on the Add Variable icon.

Name the new variable EmpNum, and ensure that the scope is set at the package level, as indicated by the package name. (In my case, I’ve stuck with the default name, which is Package.) Next, set the data type to Int32 and the value to 0, as shown in Figure 1. The Execute SQL task will use the variable to store the value it retrieves from the database.

The new EmpNum variable

Figure 1: The new EmpNum variable

Now create a second variable named EmployeeList. This variable should also be at the package scope. However, set the data type to Object. We will be using this variable to store the full result set that we retrieve in our second scenario, and SSIS requires that the variable use the Object type to accommodate the multiple rows and columns.

Adding a Connection Manager to the SSIS Package

The next step is to create a connection manager that points to the AdventureWorks2008 database. Right-click theConnection Manager s window, and then click New OLE DB Connection, as shown in Figure 2.

Creating a new OLE DB connection manager

Figure 2: Creating a new OLE DB connection manager

When the Configur e OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box appears, click the New button to launch theConnection Manager dialog box, shown in Figure 3. From the Server name drop-down list, select the name of your SQL Server instance, and then select an authentication type. From the Select or enter a database namedrop-down list, select your database. As you can see in Figure 3, I’m using Cambridge as my SQL Server instance, SQL Server Authentication as my authentication type, and the AdventureWorks2008 as my database.

Configuring an OLE DB connection manager

Figure 3: Configuring an OLE DB connection manager

Be sure to test the connection by clicking the Test Connection button. If the connection is good, click OK to close the Connection Manager dialog box.

When you’re returned to the Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box, you’ll see that your new connection has been added to the Data connections section. Click OK to close the dialog box. Your connection should now be listed in Connection Managers window.

If you want, you can rename your connection manager to something more appropriate. To do so, right-click the connection, click R ename, and type in the new name. I renamed mine to AW2008, as shown in Figure 4.

Renaming a connection manager

Figure 4: Renaming a connection manager

Returning a Single-Row Result Set

As mentioned above, our first example uses two instances of the Execute SQL task. The first Execute SQL task will return a single-row result set, which in this case, will contain only one value. Note, however, that this is not a real-world example. I simply want to show you how to get the result set and use it.

In this example, we’ll retrieve the highest BusinessEntityID value from the HumanResources.Employee table and insert it into the SSISLog table, along with the current date and time. We’ll start by using the first Execute SQLtask to retrieve the value and pass it to the EmpNum variable.

To get started, drag the Execute SQL task onto the Control Flow design surface. Then double-click the task to open the Execute SQL Task Editor. The editor opens to the General page, as shown in Figure 5.

The General page of the Execute SQL Task Editor

Figure 5: The General page of the Execute SQL Task Editor

Notice that the General section contains the Name property and the Description property. The Name property refers to the task name. You should name the task something suitable. On my system, I named the task Get ResultSet. I then added a description to the Description property to explain what the task does.

In the Options section, I stuck with the default property values.

The next section on the General page is Result Set. Notice that this section includes only the ResultSetproperty. The property lets you select one of the following four options:

  • None: The query returns no result set.
  • Singlerow: The query returns a single-row result set.
  • Fullresultset: The query returns a result set that can contain multiple rows.
  • XML: The query returns a result set in an XML format.

The option you select depends on the results of the query you pass into the Execute SQL task. For this exercise, our query will return only a single value. Consequently, we will choose the Single row option.

Next, we need to configure the properties in the SQL Statement section. Table 1 shows the values you should use to configure these properties.

Property Value
Connection AW2008 (or whatever you named the connection manager you created earlier)
SQLSourceType Direct input

This means we’ll type the code straight in and not use a stored procedure.

SQLStatement Because we’ve selected the Direct input option, we need to enter a T-SQL statement for this option. I’ve used the following statement, which returns a single value:

SELECT MAX(EmployeeID) AS [MaxEmpID]
FROM HumanResources.Employee

IsQueryStoredProcedure This option is greyed out because we selected Direct input for theSQLSourceType property. Had we selected Stored Procedure, this property would be available and the SQLStatement property would be greyed out.
BypassPrepare The property defaults to False. If you change the value to True, you can click theParse Query button to verify that your T-SQL statement is valid.

Table 1: Configuring the properties in the SQL Statement section

Our next step is to associate our result set value with a variable that will store the value we retrieve from the database. To do this, go to the Result Set page of the Execute SQL Task Editor.

The main grid of the Result Set page contains two columns: Result Name and Variable Name. Click the Addbutton to add a row to the grid. In the Result Name column, enter the column name returned by your query (MaxEmpID). In the Variable Name column, select the User:: EmpNum variable. Your Result Set page should now look similar to the one shown in Figure 6.

Associating your result set value with a variable

Figure 6: Associating your result set value with a variable

If our single-row result set contains multiple columns, we would have had to map a variable to each column. However, because we returned only one value, we needed only one mapping.

Once you’ve associated your result set value with a variable, click OK to close the Execute SQL Task Editor. You task should now be set up to return a single-row result set. Now we need to do something with that result set!

Working with a Single-Row Result Set

Our next step is to drag a new Execute SQL task onto our design surface so we can use the result set returned by the first Execute SQL task. So add the task, and then connect the precedence constraint (the green arrow) from the first task to the new one. Next, right-click the second task and click Edit to open the Execute SQL Task Editor, shown in Figure 7.

Configuring the Execute SQL Task Editor

Figure 7: Configuring the Execute SQL Task Editor

In the General section, provide a name and description for the task. (I named the task Using Result Set.) For theResultSet property, stick with the default value, None. In this case, the task won’t be returning a result set. Instead, we’ll be using the results returned by the previous task.

Now let’s look at the SQL Statement section shown in Figure 8. Notice that, for the SQLStatement property, I entered the following T-SQL code:

exec UpdateSSISLog ?

As you can see, we’re executing the UpdateSSISLog stored procedure. Notice, however, that we follow the name of the stored procedure with a question mark (?). The question mark serves as a placeholder for the parameter value that the stored procedure requires. You cannot name parameters within the actual query, so we have to take another step to provide our value.

Go to the Parameter Mapping page of the Execute SQL Task Editor. On this page, you map the parameters referenced in your queries to variables. You create your mappings in the main grid, which contains the following five columns:

  • Variable Name: The variable that contains the value to be used for the parameter. In this case, we’ll use the User:: EmpNum variable, which contains the result set value returned by the first Execute SQL task.
  • Direction: Determines whether to pass a value into a parameter (input) or return a value through the parameter (output)
  • Data Type: Determines the type of data provided from the variable. This will default to the type used when setting up the variable.
  • Parameter Name: The name of the parameter. The way in which parameters are named depends on your connection type. When running a T-SQL statement against a SQL Server database through an OLE DB connection, as we’re doing here, we use numerical values to represent the statement’s parameters, in the order they appear in the statement, starting with 0. In this case, because there’s only one parameter, we use0.
  • Parameter Size: The size of the parameter if it can be a variable length. The default is -1, which lets SQL Server determine the correct size.

Once you’ve mapped your variable to your parameter, the Parameter Mapping page should look similar to the one shown in Figure 8.

Mapping a variable to a parameter

Figure 8: Mapping a variable to a parameter

When you’re finished configuring the Execute SQL task, click OK.

Your package should now be ready to run. Click the green Execute button. When the package has completed running, query the SSISLog table and verify that a row has been added that contains the expected results.

Returning a Full Result Set

Using the Execute SQL task to return a full result set is similar to returning a single-row result set. The primary differences are that your target variable must be configured with the Object data type, and the task’s ResultSetproperty must be set to Full result set.

Let’s run through an example to demonstrate how this works. This time, rather than retrieving a single value, we’re going to retrieve a result set that contains multiple rows and columns.

For this exercise, we can use the same SSIS package we used for the previous example, but keep in mind, if you execute the package, all components will run unless you specifically disable those that you don’t want to have run.

Drag an Execute SQ L task to the design surface. Open the task’s editor and configure the properties as necessary. Remember to set the ResultSet property to Full result set. For the SQLStatement property, use the SELECT statement shown in Listing 3. When entering a long SELECT statement into as the property’s value, it’s easier to click the ellipses button to the right of the property to open the Enter SQL Query dialog box and then entering the statement there.

P.FirstName ,
P.LastName ,
E.JobTitle ,
FROM HumanResources.Employee E
INNER JOIN Person.Person P
ON E.BusinessEntityID = P.BusinessEntityID

Listing 3: The SELECT statement used to return a full result set

After you enter your SELECT statement, close the Enter SQL Query dialog box. When you’re returned to theExecute SQL Task Editor, the General page should now look similar to the one shown in Figure 9.

Configuring the Execute SQL task to return a full result set

Figure 9: Configuring the Execute SQL task to return a full result set

Next, go to Result Set page and add a row to the main grid. Because we’re returning a full result set, you should enter 0 in the Result Name column. (The same is true if you’re returning an XML result set). Then, in the Variable Name column, select the User:: E mployeeList variable.

Once this is complete, click OK. Your Execute SQL task will now return a full result set and save it to the E mployeeList variable. (You should execute the task to make sure it runs.) You can then use that variable in other SSIS components. However, to do so is a bit more complicated than what we saw for a single-row result set, so I’ll save that discussion for another time. But feel free to try using the variable if your up for it. You might want to start with a Foreach Loop container.


In this article, I demonstrated how to use an Execute SQL task to return a single-row result set with a single value and save that value to a variable. I then showed you how to use the variable in a second Execute SQL task to insert data into a table.

In the second example, I demonstrated how to use an Execute SQL task to return a full result set and save it to a variable configured with the Object data type. Although I did not show you how to use the result set in other components, you should now have a good sense of the principles behind using the Execute SQL task to retrieve result sets and saving them to variables.

In future articles, I’ll demonstrate how you can use those result sets in other components, such as the Script task and the Foreach Loop container.

How do I format date value as yyyy-mm-dd using SSIS expression builder?

[Originally posted by]:

Correct expression is

"source " + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART("yyyy" , getdate()) +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART("mm" , getdate()), 2) +
RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR,4,1252)DATEPART("dd" , getdate()), 2) +".CSV"